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Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Workshop: Massage yourself (pain) free with a Tennis Ball (FULL)

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Yin Yoga Special Using a Tennis Ball To Release WITH JASMIJN KOELINK Sunday 13 December 2020 2pm - 5pm at Yoga Moves  De-stress, Recover and Relax In this workshop, you’ll experience the effect of Yin related yoga on your body in a long session – using a tennis ball. This will give you some insights and techniques to help you to become more flexible and you’ll learn to release tension and pain. It can also free emotional energy stored in the body. By using tennis balls, relaxing becomes much easier than one might think. Anyone can do it! Afterward, you’ll notice [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Schrijf & Yoga stilteweekend

Dominicanenklooster Huissen Stadsdam 1, Huissen

Wil je je liefde voor schrijven weer nieuw leven inblazen? Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe schrijven je kan verbinden met jezelf en anderen? Zoek je nieuwe manieren om je lichaam te betrekken in je creatieve proces? Deze weekend retraite biedt volop inspiratie en ontspanning! Schrijven wordt leuker én beter wanneer je het met huid en haar doet. Dat is het uitgangspunt van deze geliefde weekendretraite. Elke dag beginnen en eindigen we met een vernieuwende beweging- en ademsessie die voor iedereen toegankelijk is. De effecten daarvan zijn voelbaar in je lichaam – en zichtbaar op papier.   ‘Bevrijdend, stimulerend, grensverleggend en ontspannend.’ [...]

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