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In this workshop you’ll experience the effect of Yin yoga on your body in a long session – using tennis balls. This will give you some insights and techniques to help you to become more flexible and you’ll learn to release tension and pain. It can also free emotional energy stored in the body. By using tennis balls, this all becomes much easier than one might think. Anyone can do it! Afterwards you’ll notice a smoother and more stable yoga practice.

After warming up, we will relax and de-stress hips, buttocks, pelvis and legs, followed by softening the back, shoulders and neck. We’ll also stimulate and massage the organs.  We’ll close off with a longer relaxing posture to allow the effect to sink in deeply in.

We’ll also explore some breathing techniques, adding extra pleasure and relaxation to this form of yin yoga. After this workshop, you’ll be able to apply the technique of deep tissue relaxation (deep tissue release) easily at home. Experience the healing power generated by this practice and allow yourself some time to experience the deep relaxation in your body. You’ll feel more energetic and your movements more supple.
This workshop is open to everyone. Also for pregnant women, with some adjustments.

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