Laden Evenementen


with Jasmijn Koelink

Come and join this special workshop where body and mind meet – Yoga Moves Utrecht 19:00-21:30 pm.

Let your body and your mind meet to tackle the source of your stress – any frustration, doubts, sadness, anger, worries. Body & Mind Yoga integrates the method “The Work” of Byron Katie © with yoga.

This session is a workout for your body and your mind, the perfect everyday practice. The class starts with mindful movement and breathing exercises to support a meditative state of being. After movement, you drop into stillness and observe what arises within you. Through a guided meditation or specific questions, you identify the stressful – painful and limiting – thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about what you think is happening in your life.

You then question them through the method. This allows you to explore the interaction between your thoughts and how your body expresses itself – emotionally and physically. You witness the difference between cause and effect – and notice what you think is happening and what really is happening. The method is a simple, yet powerful practice. Everybody can do it. It allows you to access your own wisdom that always exists within you.

“No one has ever been able to control their thinking, although people may tell the story of how they have. I don’t let go of my thoughts — I meet them with understanding. Then they let go of me.” – Byron Katie

An unquestioned mind is the only suffering.


More about the work:


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