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Embody Your Writing

Interested in how deepening your body practice could boost your creative writing -and life? Then come treat yourself to this beautiful Autumn retreat.

Allow yourself to be nourished by this deeply invigorating week in the heart of rural France. During this well-tested and well-loved retreat, you are invited to explore the basic connection of your mind and body. Supported by the group and the beautiful land of Dechen Chöling in Autumn, the fruit of this week is a renewed wakefulness to yourself, your body and your writing.

Each day consists of a dynamic early morning and restorative afternoon yoga session and two writing workshops. There will also be plenty of time for exchange and exploring the beautiful land of Dechen Chöling. Parts of this retreat will be held in silence.


Jasmijn’s yoga sessions will be offered every morning and afternoons. The classes will be breath-oriented. It is a principle that when applied with intent and intelligence, can create a powerful experience of opening your mind and heart.

All sessions are open for both beginning and advanced students. Our focus will be on yoga basics. In the course of the week Jasmijn will guide you through the key principles for safe, strengthening and restorative movement.

Her morning (vinyasa) session consist of energizing guided movement and breath. She will be working at a slow but deep pace, asking you to feel each step of the way, working your way towards new edges of both body and mind. Afternoon sessions will be more restful, restorative, yin and with focus on the breath and meditation.


Geertje offers writing sessions in the morning and late afternoon. They are based on ‘writing practice’, short timed writings, developed by zen practitioner and writer Natalie Goldberg. Writing practice offers the possibility to connect to writing as a practice with a strong structure and lots of free-flowing creativity and meditative elements. During the writing workshops, we connect with mind, body – and each other. This connects you to your own voice and to a very personal, joyful, disciplined form of creativity.

You don’t have to consider yourself a writer to participate in the writings parts of the retreat. Geertje’s workshops have been found beneficial for both seasoned writers and absolute beginners. You won’t have to create an end product. Feel free to bring a writing project – there is free time in the afternoon to work on it.

Previous participants about this retreat

“This week was perspective changing – of myself, others, writing, and body knowledge. It was a blessed time.”

“This experience was wonderful – it went beyond all hopes and expectations.”

“Danke für alles! Es war eine der wundervollsten Wochen in meiner Leben.”

“This week both relaxed and energized me so much at the same time.”

“Als dit niet bestond moest het uitgevonden worden.”

“I didn’t expect to go this deep. I feel revived and really satisfied. It was everything I was looking for –and more.”


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