Fine-tune your personal (home) practice
with Hilary Brown & Jasmijn Koelink @ YogaSeads Scheveningen

Enrich your practice and understanding of Yoga and learn how to connect yoga to everyday life questions and issues with our 8-day Going Deeper course for curious, intermediate and inspired students.
This in-depth course will help you determine specific personal approaches that will make your practice fit your life. The focus of this course is on your own practice and understanding.
- Are you interested to explore yoga in depth, outside a teacher training course?
- Do you want to learn how to connect yoga with your everyday life questions and issues?
- Fine-tune your personal practice?
- Explore the therapeutic aspects of your yoga practice?
Then our Going Deeper course is just the thing for you!
Dates and Day Planning Fall 2018 course
Dates & Times
Sat 29 Sept | 11.00-18.00
Sun 30 Sept | 12.30-19.30
Fri 19 Oct | 11.00-18.00
Sat 10 Nov | 11.00-18.00
Sun 11 Nov | 12.30-19.30
Fri 30 Nov | 11.00-18.00
Sat 8 Dec | 11.00-18.00
Sun 9 Dec | 11.00-18.00
Yogaseads | Maaswijkstraat 24d, Scheveningen
The program is open to curious and dedicated students interested in taking their practice to the next level (minimum of +/- 6 months regular yoga practice with mixed level classes).