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Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Schrijven en Yoga in Nationaal Bomenmuseum (VOL)

Nationaal Bomenmuseum Velperengh 13, Doorn, Utrecht, Nederland

Deze dag is helaas VOL. Bekijk het workshop overzicht om een alternatief te vinden. Kom schrijven en yoga doen in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum in Doorn Zondag 2 augustus van 10:00 tot 15:00   Ontspan, verdiep en vernieuw Dompel jezelf onder in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum met Jasmijn Koelink en Geertje Couwenbergh. Ons programma is opgezet zodat we veilig samen kunnen komen. Er is volop fysieke ruimte, en ook is er ruimte om je eigen programma samen te stellen.   Programma: 10.00 – 11:00 adem en ontspansessie 11:00 – 13:00 schrijfsessie (alleen en gezamenlijk, verspreid over het arboretum) 13:00 -14:00 lunch, dwaal [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Vraag Jezelf Vrij – The Work (VOL)

Dominicanenklooster Huissen Stadsdam 1, Huissen

Een stilteweekend vol adem, inzicht & ruimte Ben je je bewust van pijnlijke patronen maar lukt het je niet goed om ze te doorbreken? Wil je meer leven in het moment? Of ben je geïnteresseerd in een vrij leven? Dan is dit weekend iets voor jou!   Wie ben je zonder je verhaal? Tijdens dit weekend leer je met een concrete methode stressvolle gedachten herkennen en bevragen. Het resultaat is de ervaring van een nieuwe, meer begripvolle en vreugdevolle wereld. De methode die Jasmijn en Geertje hanteren is The Work© van Byron Katie, een eenvoudige maar diepgaande vorm van (begeleide)meditatie. Beide [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Gratis Online Mini Retraite (10AM)

Kom binnen 20 minuten tot rust Online mini retraite met Jasmijn Koelink. Bevriend je adem en voel je direct beter. Yogadocent en ademcoach Jasmijn Koelink begeleidt je door twee simpele ademhalingstechnieken waarbij je je adem verdiept en vertraagt. Door bewust de overgang te maken van 'geademd worden' naar 'je adem inzetten', ben je in staat om sneller en dieper te ontspannen. Het vraagt slechts je aandacht en bereidwilligheid om het uit te proberen. Dus leuk als je deelneemt! Je kunt het webinar volgen vanaf je computer, tablet of telefoon.   Meld je hier aan.

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Yogaweekend Aan de Hei (VOL)

Yogaweekend ism Happy Soul Travel op de Hoorneboeg Het programma Onze yogaweekenden starten altijd op vrijdagmiddag rond 17:00 uur met een korte introductie. Aansluitend volgt het diner in de stijlvolle woonkamer met haardkachel en grote ramen uitkijkend op de tuin en het bos. Na het diner volgt een meer uitgebreide kennismaking met de groep en een eerste yogales. Op zaterdag starten we met een meer dynamische yogales gevolgd door een uitgebreide brunch. Ook hierna is er weer voldoende me-time om zelf in te vullen, je kunt bijvoorbeeld lekker de natuur in gaan of gebruik maken van de sauna of een massage ondergaan. In [...]

Slow Flow – Yoga Moves Utrecht

Yoga Moves St. Janshovenstraat 1, Utrecht, Netherlands

Breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Join my slow flow classes at Yoga Moves. During Slow Flow, you spend more time both within and between poses. As a result, you combine activity with relaxation -and class takes on a more meditative character. The foundation of this style is a gentle vinyasa (breath initiated movement) filled with relaxing and restorative poses where you rest for longer periods of time. Slow Flow brings balance. This makes it suitable if you are very active - or tired. Jasmijn has an eye for detail. She combines the flow in [...]

Yin Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

Delight Yoga Nieuwe Achtergracht 11, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Relax, Renew, De-stress. Join my weekly breath based Yin Yoga class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. Yin Yoga mainly consists of sitting and lying postures that you hold for longer periods of time. The emphasis in this practice is not muscle strengthening, but actually the complete surrender of muscle tension. While offering full attention to your body and mind, you relax as much as possible in a posture. This causes pressure in your joints while your connective tissue, cartilage and tendons gets stretched so that they can recover, strengthen and refresh. At the same time, certain pressure points and meridians [...]

Hatha Yoga – Delight Yoga Amsterdam

My Hatha Yoga class includes breath-­based yoga movement and mindfulness. Join Jasmijn's weekly class at Delight Yoga - Amsterdam. This class is accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners, as Jasmijn integrates different options and individual guidance. It's breath-oriented, intense and relaxing at the same time. Which will have a direct effect on your well-being. With this practice, your body will feel open and strong, your breathing unobstructed and your mind calm and steady. The hatha yoga postures are sequenced to create strength, flexibility, openness, and relaxation throughout the practice, which includes physical strength and discipline, improved circulation and flexibility, steadiness of breathing, clarity [...]

Adem & Stilteretraite (VOL)

Dominicanenklooster Huissen Stadsdam 1, Huissen

Ervaar de kracht van je adem om je direct beter te voelen. Ademcoach Jasmijn Koelink geeft je concrete tools, zodat je kunt ingrijpen voordat stress de overhand neemt.

vanaf €527
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