1 day retraite: The Work met yoga & adem

The Work (Byron Katie) met Yoga & Adem 1-Day-retreat met Jasmijn Koelink waarin jij verlichting kunt ervaren met yoga, ademwerk en lessen uit The Work (Byron Katie) in retraite villa Maarn in de bossen op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Met gezonde vegetarisch voeding, sauna, buitenzwembad en ligweide. Even op adem komen met ontspanning, beweging, verdieping en ontmoetingen met gelijkgestemden.   Wanneer: woensdag 24 juli / 11.00 - 18.30 uur en optioneel te verlengen tot een 24-uur-retraite tot donderdag 25 juli / 11.00 uur Waar: Retraite villa in Maarn, Utrechtseheuvelrug. Wat: all inclusive dagprogramma met 3 lessen, workshops of andere programmaonderdelen - 5 begeleide uren. Te verlengen tot 24-uur programma [...]

2024-06-13T09:08:48+00:00, |

New Years Mental Cleanse

RELEASE STRESS WITH YOGA, BREATHWORK & THE WORK 30 December 2023 4-6PM at Yoga Moves Utrecht Begin your new year with greater clarity and freedom. This workshop is a workout for body and mind, the perfect everyday practice. Let your body and your mind meet to tackle the source of your stress – any frustration, doubts, sadness, anger, or worries. In this session the method “The Work” of Byron Katie © is integrated with yoga. The practice starts with mindful movement and breathing exercises to support a meditative state of being. After movement, you move into stillness and observe what arises [...]


Stressreductie met Yoga, Adem & The Work

Een verstillend weekend vol adem, inzicht & innerlijke vrijheid Total Stress Release lang weekend retreat met yoga, adem & the work (van Byron Katie) met Jasmijn Koelink in retraite centrum Zeeveld in Castricum, nabij zee. Met gezonde vegetarisch biologische voeding, duin- en strandwandeling en optioneel massages. Even op adem komen met ontspanning (yin yoga en yoga nidra), (ademgeïnitieerde) beweging, verdieping (The Work) en ontmoetingen met gelijkgestemden. Neem een mini-vakantie in jezelf Gun jezelf een paar dagen om te re-setten en ontdek wat de combinatie van adem, yoga en The Work voor je kan betekenen. Geniet van de rust en verstilling [...]

2023-08-08T14:52:38+00:00, |

Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (200h) Den Haag

Become a professional yoga teacher (RYT 200 hours) As a beginning yoga teacher, the first step is to enable you to share the gifts of yoga to a broad range of people. We focus on giving you a solid foundation and help you master the fundamentals. As a more experienced teacher, you look for depth and creativity, new ways to reach more people. Let us help you get there. We invite you to join one of our professional training programs. We hope it will mark the beginning (or continuation) of a successful career as a yoga teacher. Yoga Moves Teacher [...]

Yoga Moves Vinyasa Teacher Training (200h)

Become a professional yoga teacher (RYT 200 hours) As a beginning yoga teacher, the first step is to enable you to share the gifts of yoga to a broad range of people. We focus on giving you a solid foundation and help you master the fundamentals. As a more experienced teacher, you look for depth and creativity, new ways to reach more people. Let us help you get there. We invite you to join one of our professional training programs. We hope it will mark the beginning (or continuation) of a successful career as a yoga teacher. Yoga Moves Teacher [...]

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