
Schrijven en Yoga in Nationaal Bomenmuseum (VOL)

Deze dag is helaas VOL. Bekijk het workshop overzicht om een alternatief te vinden. Kom schrijven en yoga doen in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum in Doorn Zondag 2 augustus van 10:00 tot 15:00   Ontspan, verdiep en vernieuw Dompel jezelf onder in het Nationaal Bomenmuseum met Jasmijn Koelink en Geertje Couwenbergh. Ons programma is opgezet zodat we veilig samen kunnen komen. Er is volop fysieke ruimte, en ook is er ruimte om je eigen programma samen te stellen.   Programma: 10.00 – 11:00 adem en ontspansessie 11:00 – 13:00 schrijfsessie (alleen en gezamenlijk, verspreid over het arboretum) 13:00 -14:00 lunch, dwaal [...]

2020-07-28T12:17:34+00:00, |

Meer lucht in je leven – houd je longen in conditie

Wil je je longen reinigen, je longcapaciteit verbeteren en je longblaasjes optimaal laten functioneren? Jasmijn Koelink, yogadocente en psychologe, bied je graag drie ademhalingstechnieken aan om, speciaal in deze corona tijd, je longen in conditie te houden. Bovendien ondersteunen ze je ook nog eens om verandering te omarmen wanneer je je angstig of verdrietig voelt.


Wednesday: Yoga @Zoom 6:45-7:45PM

Reserve your spot here Relax, Renew, De-stress; take a deep breath. Join Jasmijn's breath-based yoga class online on Wednesday the 17th of June. Jasmijn classes are suitable for every body and everybody. She offers different options for different bodies. Her class is breath-oriented, intense, yet grounding at the same time. She integrates a meditative style of teaching into her classes where there is more stillness in between -and in- postures, to allow more body awareness. Jasmijn loves to incorporate body alignment to prevent injuries and create body awareness. It's playful and invites an exploring attitude. Each class is different, and [...]

Wednesday: Yoga @Zoom 6:45-7:45PM

Reserve your spot here Take a deep breath! Join Jasmijn's breath-based Yoga class online on the 6th of May. Jasmijn offers different options for different bodies. Her class is breath-oriented, intense, yet grounding at the same time. She integrates a meditative style of teaching into her classes where there is more stillness in between -and in- postures, to allow more body awareness. A dynamic style of yoga (Vinyasa), in which your breath leads your movement, or more a calmer way of moving into stillness. Even a combination is possible. In every class, there will be a clear (energetic) beginning, middle, [...]

Wednesday: Yoga @Zoom 6:45-7:45PM

Reserve your spot here Relax, Renew, De-stress; take a deep breath. Join Jasmijn's breath-based yoga class online on Wednesday the 20th of May. Jasmijn classes are suitable for every body and everybody. She offers different options for different bodies. Her class is breath-oriented, intense, yet grounding at the same time. She integrates a meditative style of teaching into her classes where there is more stillness in between -and in- postures, to allow more body awareness. Jasmijn loves to incorporate body alignment to prevent injuries and create body awareness. It's playful and invites an exploring attitude. Each class is different, and [...]

Wednesday: Yoga @Zoom 6:45-7:45PM

Reserve your spot here Take a deep breath! Join Jasmijn's breath-based Yoga class online on Wednesday 22th of April. Jasmijn offers different options for different bodies. Her class is breath-oriented, intense, yet grounding at the same time. She integrates a meditative style of teaching into her classes where there is more stillness in between -and in- postures, to allow more body awareness. A dynamic style of yoga (Vinyasa), in which your breath leads your movement, or more a calmer way of moving into stillness. Even a combination is possible. In every class, there will be a clear (energetic) beginning, middle, [...]

Yoga & The Work @Yoga Moves

A WORKOUT FOR BODY AND MIND with Jasmijn Koelink Come and join this special workshop where body and mind meet - Yoga Moves Utrecht 19:00-21:30 pm. Let your body and your mind meet to tackle the source of your stress – any frustration, doubts, sadness, anger, worries. Body & Mind Yoga integrates the method “The Work” of Byron Katie © with yoga. This session is a workout for your body and your mind, the perfect everyday practice. The class starts with mindful movement and breathing exercises to support a meditative state of being. After movement, you drop into stillness and [...]


Workshop: Deep tissue release with Tennis Balls @ Delight Yoga – ONLINE

Special Yin Yoga Workshop Using Tennis Balls To Release Tension - ONLINE 10 October with Jasmijn Koelink @ Delight Yoga Amsterdam De-stress, Recover and Relax In this workshop, you’ll experience the effect of Yin related yoga on your body in a long session – using a tennis ball. This will give you some insights and techniques to help you to become more flexible and you’ll learn to release tension and pain. It can also free emotional energy stored in the body. By using tennis balls, relaxing becomes much easier than one might think. Anyone can do it! Afterward, you’ll notice [...]

Workshop: Deep tissue release with Tennis Balls / massage @ AMSTERDAM

Special Yin Yoga Workshop Using Tennis Balls To Release 18 april 2pm-5pm with Jasmijn Koelink @ Delight Yoga Amsterdam De-stress, Recover and Relax In this workshop, you’ll experience the effect of Yin related yoga on your body in a long session – using a tennis ball. This will give you some insights and techniques to help you to become more flexible and you’ll learn to release tension and pain. It can also free emotional energy stored in the body. By using tennis balls, relaxing becomes much easier than one might think. Anyone can do it! Afterward, you’ll notice a smoother [...]

Workshop: Massage yourself (pain) free with a Tennis Ball (FULL)

Yin Yoga Special Using a Tennis Ball To Release WITH JASMIJN KOELINK Sunday 13 December 2020 2pm - 5pm at Yoga Moves  De-stress, Recover and Relax In this workshop, you’ll experience the effect of Yin related yoga on your body in a long session – using a tennis ball. This will give you some insights and techniques to help you to become more flexible and you’ll learn to release tension and pain. It can also free emotional energy stored in the body. By using tennis balls, relaxing becomes much easier than one might think. Anyone can do it! Afterward, you’ll notice [...]

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